Principal photography of Giant Void kicked off at 7am MST on August 4, and wrapped at 1:30am MST on August 24, 2024. Some quick stats:
Cast: 18
Crew: 39
Extras: 43
Locations: 16
Shoot days: 15
Donors: 45
Supporting Organizations: Colorado Office of Film, Television and Media, Film Independent, Cine Fe, University of Denver, Screen Actors Guild, Denver Museum of Nature & Science
It’s taken about a month to write this because, frankly, words now seem to cheapen my feelings for this project. That’s why I love cinema - it has ways of expressing things words can’t. The shortest, most accurate description I’ve found is “quasi-religious experience.” Simply put, this production has been one of the most important and fulfilling times of my life. I owe this feeling to a cast and crew who applied the full force of their passion and creativity towards telling this story. This energy was humbling and inspiring to direct, and I think somewhere along the way each of us could sense we were making something special.
All this has me itching to finish the film and share the experience of making it. We’re putting together a behind-the-scenes video that I’m really excited to share with you all, hopefully by the holiday season. In the meantime, post-production has officially kicked off, and it’ll to be a long road to finish the film that will go well into 2025. Updates will be posted here. Also, our IMDb page is live and evolving as we track down everyone’s profiles. Contact me if you’re missing or incorrectly credited.
To my cast and crew: Thank you for your blood, sweat and tears. You transformed words on a page into a film with a beating heart. It’s still a mystery to me how this happens, but this production brought me one step closer to understanding the power of this medium. I promise to piece together a final film that’s worthy of your craftsmanship and sacrifice.
To everyone else: You get these updates because you care about my work as a filmmaker. Maybe you’ve listened to me go on (and on) about this project. Maybe you gave me feedback on the script, or just read it and encouraged me to keep going. Maybe you even threw this tiny indie film some of your hard-earned cash. Whatever your level of involvement, you played a part in getting my dream project off the ground.
I will be grateful to all of you for the rest of my life.
Plenty of folks are missing from these week 1, 2 and 3 group photos. We’ll get you into the behind-the-scenes video.